Water Cycle 2010 is a COAST-TO-COAST CYCLE TOUR ADVENTURE raising funds and awareness from the grass roots up for the humanitarian endeavor "charity: water," a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Our first campaign successfully raised enough funds to support a village of 285 people! As we resume our cycling adventure to the Pacific Coast and beyond, we are continuing our efforts through a second campaign. If you'd like to join us in supporting charity: water,


Or send a check or money order made out to "charity: water" with our code "MYCW-8174" in the memo to:

charity: water

200 Varick Street, Ste. 201

New York, NY 10014

On behalf of the hundreds of people who will soon have safe, clean drinking water through your donations, we greatly appreciate your decision to support our charity: water fund-raiser: Water Cycle 2010!

Interested in other ways you can help support our ride and our cause? Please contact us at:

We look forward to hearing from you! Happy Trails!

September 16, 2010

"Life Elevated"

The Utah state motto "Life Elevated" speaks true to the spirit of this land and our experience traveling through this incredible area. Utah is truly one of the most beautiful, versatile states through which we have traveled and is very unique with its vast variety of landscapes, from red canyon lands to high alpine meadows. If one has never had the opportunity to visit Utah, we highly recommend making it a vacation destination as it is truly a land of wonder.

For us, "Life Elevated" has come to mean a number of things as our time here has brought us a number of extremes.

We have encountered the steepest inclines and declines at around a 14% grade, often with a canyon dropping from the road on one or both sides. We have also experienced the strongest, most consistent winds thus far on our trip, which at times was so gusty that it was impossible to pedal and stay balanced on our bikes, causing us to walk periodically. The temperatures have also had the most variations with the sunny, hot days and nights dipping well below 40. All of this mingled in with the spectacular views has certainly brought personal meaning to the words of the motto, as if to say, "Life... a bit more challenging and a bit more awe-inspiring: Life Elevated."

Utah has also been the first state in which we have had to seriously think about our own personal water sources on a consistent basis. We have started to plan our days and destinations around the ability to attain water for ourselves and have also started carrying at least an extra 3 liters of water for those overnights between resources. We have not yet gone without, but making sure that we have access to water has become a main focus of our travel. Such a need makes us think of the PURPOSE behind this huge endeavor of biking across the United States: our desire to bring water to those who currently face this issue every day and to help change their lives by providing this basic need... Again, Life Elevated.

We are happy to announce that our goal of sponsoring a well for a community by reaching $5000 through our campaign is very close to being celebrated! However as we ride on through the last week of summer into the dry and desolate landscape of Nevada and closer towards the western sunset coast, we shall continue to raise money and awareness for the cause of WATER! Unfortunately the water crisis doesn't end with us reaching our $5,000 goal so as long as we are still riding, we shall be fundraising by extending our fundraising goal and eventually beginning a new campaign to hopefully change the lives of more people in need. Thanks for all of those who have supported us and continue to support us along our journey. We could not have come this far without it!

A special thanks goes out to Christie Adelsburger who drove eight hours from Arizona to spend a few days with us near Escalante. Christie, thank you for gracing us with beautiful self! It was a true treat to be able to share this experience with you! Also, thank you to the following people for helping us by providing a place for us to stay for a night: Douglas Harkey of Monticello, Donna Sall of the Sandcreek RV Park in Torrey, the Andersons of Beaver and the Esplins and the Guthries of Cedar City. A huge thank you also goes out to the members of the L.D.S Pot Luck dinner whom invited us in for delicious home made food and whom openly and excitedly supported our cause.

For now we are working out how we are going to attach and carry even more additional water for desolate Nevada and America's "loneliest highway," Route 50. As for the seven or so mountain passes we shall encounter and have to carry the extra water weight up and over, we keep thoughts of all of you who have and are helping us along our way and of the smiling faces of the hundreds of people who will no longer have to walk hours everyday for water or worry about becoming fatally ill from consuming contaminated water. Water does change everything!

Our next mail drop will be with Kate and Eric in S.F.:

Carmen and Narelle

c/o The Chiltons

1434 Sixth St. #4

Berkeley, CA 94710


Unknown said...

yesssss Highway 50 - the Loneliest Road in America!!!

wrote my senior American Studies thesis on that highway, glad you're biking across it! and a BIG CONGATULATIONS on reaching the $5000 mark! WAY TO GO LADIES, YOU ROCK!

big love to you both xxx

Anonymous said...

You two are truly amazing!! What beautiful pics. God bless you. Love you. Sandy and Darrell

Unknown said...

Amazingly beautiful! Congrats on reaching your goal! You are awesome.